
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earth Day Party

Hi guys!
It is April 19th, so that means the Earth Day Party is on today!
Or should I say, Earth Day Room...yes, I was disappointed with this party. You can start off in the Town, where you can get a free safari hat.
Now that you have this, go to the Snow Forts to see the Earth Day Party Room
While I do have to say that this room is impressive, it is only one room. There is a little catalog on the bottom-right on the screen. Click it to get this:
Penguins buying a penguin costume? INCEPTION?? jk.
But yea, you can buy a costume of your choice, and/or read about an endangered animal.
That wraps up the Earth Day 'Event'.

I do have to say this party was a let-down for me. It had so much potential to be great-and what about the color, Arctic White? What happened to that? Hopefully it will be in a future party.
On the bright side, Aunt Arctic will be waddling around Club Penguin for a few days, and you can track her here!

So there's my opinion about the party, what do you think? Leave a comment.
I'll see you guys soon!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Free unlock code and Earth day Sneak Peaks

Hey guys!
Have you seen the new video, Dubstep Puffle? In my opinion, it was a little boring...but at least I like dubstep! In that video, CP released a new free item code! The code is:
Enter this code online and you will get...
Free Puffle Headphones! Now you don't have to buy them-you can get them for free! Nice!
Also, we have some Earth day party sneak peaks:
-You can meet Aunt Arctic
-Members can buy rare animal costumes
-New animal costumes include lions and rockhopper penguins
Screenshot 863.png
And have you seen White penguins? Some of them are not hackers; they could be testers. You can get this awesome color, Arctic White
Clothing 16 icon.png
during the Earth Day Party!!!
Update: This rumor was proven false, white is not an official color yet.
So are you guys looking forward to this? Let us know in the comments!
We will see you guys on April 19 for Earth Day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt Secrets

Hey guys, Happy Easter, or close to Easter!
This year, Club Penguin is FINALLY giving us another Egg Hunt! Yay! Plus, we've go the secrets to it:
Your first clue says The first egg’s hid near shining gold, Somewhere deep and dark and cold. Go to the Hidden Lake.
The second clue is: The next egg’s found near works of art, Plus lots of books to make you smart! That means go to the Book Room.
The third egg is hidden near a snowy shore. It’s hidden well. You must explore. So go to the Beach
Now head towards a wooden shack. You’re doing well, you’re right on track! The fourth clue tells you to go to the Mine Shack. 
Now, Search now near a tall white chair, For watching waves. The egg is there, is the fifth clue; head to the Cove
Did you notice the sixth egg while you were buying new clothes? The sixth clue says The next one’s sure to make you smile. Just like you, this egg’s got style. Go to the Gift Shop.
Two more!
The seventh clue says the egg is near a chair that lifts. You’re getting close, you must be swift! Go to the Ski Village.
The last clue is: The last egg’s near a big, bright light. You’re almost done, the end’s in sight. Go to the Beacon.
We did it! Now on your hint sheet click the first button, and...
(sorry, mine is in German)
Sweet! Bunny Ears, haven't seen 'em in a while, eh? 
Well, that is it for the Easter Egg Hunt? What do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!
I gotta go, but Happy Easter!