
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Herbert P. Bear Tracker

100th Post!
Click here for Op. Blackout Guide

Status: Offline
Room: n/a
Server: n/a
Herbert's playercard

Herbert's Background

How to Find Him:
-Herbert's sprite stands out, he's a big, white polar bear!
-Keep refreshing this page for accuracy
-The tracker is updated manually whenever Flash8910/Sherbert3210 are online
-He could be anywhere on the island, but check his hideout or even his play first
-He will DEFINATELY have a crowd around him
-Check 4-5 bar servers during the peak hours of the day
-Check other languages too
-Check ANY LANGUAGE Yeti First
-When you do find him, add him and tell the chat immediately
-Have fun!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friend's Igloos

Hey guys! Been tracking Herbert lately?
So today I plan on showing you guys something that has been requested to me so many times: some of my friend's igloos! I hope you guys enjoys them!
Ubfunkeys7-Laser Maze
Purflipper-Great Wall of China
I hoped you liked them! I will be posting more stuff in the future!
See ya!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Operation: BLACKOUT

Woah...It's dark...Let me get a lantern....
Report for duty agents:

When you log on, you will be greeted with a message:
Grab a disguise, and click the 'Go there' button.
You enter a large orange room; go to the left and enter the door.
I wish I could stay here for a while, but we gotta keep movin'.
You should now enter a big room with the security terminal. Click it:
It's just a game of "Unblock Me", so to do this, I've color-coded it to make it easier for you.
 Simply move the green block down, and push the key into the hole. 
When you log on, get the grappling hook, and start the mission. Again, a simple puzzle. Move the bottom block left, and the vertical block down, and your down, yo!
When you log on, take the Laser and start the mission. Use the laser to break down the door, and continue right on the ledge above the main room. You now can get a glimpse of Herbert's Lair. Ignore it for now, and keep moving. Surprise, Surprise, another unblock-me.
Move the RED piece up, move the BLUE piece right, and the GREY piece down; slide the key into the hole, and your done (If you moved the RED piece all the way up, just simply move it down to get the key in).
When you log on, accept the vest and continue.  Stand in front of the lasers until they turn green, then proceed. Look, the next terminal.
Start off by moving the BLUE piece up, and the PURPLE piece down. Move the YELLOW piece right, and the GREY piece down to get the key in the hole.
Why are they makin' us work on Thanksgiving, yo?
When y'all log on, take the goggles, and accept the mission. In the next room filled with barrels, access the terminal.
This time, move the KEY to the right first. Next, move the BLACK piece down, BLUE piece right, GREY piece up, RED then PINK pieces left, and finally, PURPLE piece down. Slide the key in the hole.
Grab those lava shoes, get started, and head through the door, we've got one last job. When y'all go through the big door, y'all are gonna be in Herbert's Base, where the last terminal is. Get ready for one last puzzle.
This one is long, so let me give y'all a list of instructions:
-GREEN left
-BLACK down
-GREY right
-BLUE then YELLOW up
-WHITE left
-PURPLE down
-Key in the hole
The base will now self destruct, and a video will play.

So Aunt Arctic IS the Director, huh? Eh, I knew it. After the video, you can earn a free igloo item.
And that's all the cheats for Operation: Blackout. I hope y'all found this useful.
I'm out.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Pizza/Gift Shop????(rant)

Yo, what's happening guys?
So, a couple things are goin' on down in Club Penguin, but what I want to focus on is the news given by Polo Field:

Hey there, Penguins!
There’s a lot going on in Club Penguin over the next couple months. And I’m really excited to show you guys some of the room updates we're going to launch in the next few days. We're also going to release some new music with the renovated rooms to give them a fresh sound, too!

Check out this sneak peek of the renovated Pizza Shop and Clothes Shop: 

What do you think? Leave a comment and let us know. We have some other renovations planned, and I'll share more with you about them here on the blog soon. 
Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
What?? Renovate the Pizza Shop and the Gift Shop?? NO! The simplicity of the shops is what made them great. Club Penguin needs to stop renovating our favorite rooms. What, are they out of all ideas that they need to change rooms for no good reason?
If y'all agree with what I have to say, e-mail Club Penguin and let them know how you think. Don't bother trying to comment on the Club Penguin blog saying that you don't like it. They only publish positive comments to make it seem like everyone agrees with them!
If, however, y'all DO like these shops then that's fine. We all have our opinions.
But still, let us and Club Penguin know what you really think. Like we said in the last rant, You have a voice, make sure Club Penguin hears it, because, in my personal experience, they do a POOR job of LISTENING. Fight for your voice.
That's all I really gotta say now, but first, take a look at a sneak peak:
Looks cool.