Thursday, November 15, 2012

Operation: BLACKOUT

Woah...It's dark...Let me get a lantern....
Report for duty agents:

When you log on, you will be greeted with a message:
Grab a disguise, and click the 'Go there' button.
You enter a large orange room; go to the left and enter the door.
I wish I could stay here for a while, but we gotta keep movin'.
You should now enter a big room with the security terminal. Click it:
It's just a game of "Unblock Me", so to do this, I've color-coded it to make it easier for you.
 Simply move the green block down, and push the key into the hole. 
When you log on, get the grappling hook, and start the mission. Again, a simple puzzle. Move the bottom block left, and the vertical block down, and your down, yo!
When you log on, take the Laser and start the mission. Use the laser to break down the door, and continue right on the ledge above the main room. You now can get a glimpse of Herbert's Lair. Ignore it for now, and keep moving. Surprise, Surprise, another unblock-me.
Move the RED piece up, move the BLUE piece right, and the GREY piece down; slide the key into the hole, and your done (If you moved the RED piece all the way up, just simply move it down to get the key in).
When you log on, accept the vest and continue.  Stand in front of the lasers until they turn green, then proceed. Look, the next terminal.
Start off by moving the BLUE piece up, and the PURPLE piece down. Move the YELLOW piece right, and the GREY piece down to get the key in the hole.
Why are they makin' us work on Thanksgiving, yo?
When y'all log on, take the goggles, and accept the mission. In the next room filled with barrels, access the terminal.
This time, move the KEY to the right first. Next, move the BLACK piece down, BLUE piece right, GREY piece up, RED then PINK pieces left, and finally, PURPLE piece down. Slide the key in the hole.
Grab those lava shoes, get started, and head through the door, we've got one last job. When y'all go through the big door, y'all are gonna be in Herbert's Base, where the last terminal is. Get ready for one last puzzle.
This one is long, so let me give y'all a list of instructions:
-GREEN left
-BLACK down
-GREY right
-BLUE then YELLOW up
-WHITE left
-PURPLE down
-Key in the hole
The base will now self destruct, and a video will play.

So Aunt Arctic IS the Director, huh? Eh, I knew it. After the video, you can earn a free igloo item.
And that's all the cheats for Operation: Blackout. I hope y'all found this useful.
I'm out.

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