
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Arctic White is Ours!

Merry Christmas everyone!
If you log onto Club Penguin today, and open the newest non-member present...
Finally! Anyone can be a WHITE penguin now! :D
We have all been waiting months-years even-for this color! Thank you Club Penguin!
Also, don't forget to collect the rest of your presents when you log on!
A short and sweet post, but that's all I have to say for now!
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Party 2012 Guide

Hi guys! 
The annual Holiday Party Starts today! And I've got the guide for it!
Let's start off with the Free Items.
Go to the Beach, and board Rockhopper's ship. In his store, you can click the catalog at the bottom  of the screen.
Here you can pick up your own Rockhopper doll, or some Christmas themed items. 
Don't forget that everyday, CP will be giving away free items, and we will have a guide for those too!
Now if you head to the Ski Village, you can enter Santa's workshop, and if you want a free background, sit in the Big Chair, and press the camera.
 You can also deliver presents in Santa's sled! Climb up the latter to the right...
It is very simple, all you have to do is press the circular red button every time you pass over a chimney to deliver a present. Deliver multiple presents and get free items!
As a new feature to the holiday party, you can eat (what I like to call) Magic Cookies. Each cookie is 100 coins and will be donated. Non-members can buy a racecar cookie, while Members can buy any cookie. They are magic because if you eat one, you will turn into whatever you eat for 10 minutes! Personally, I love the Frost bite cookie!
You can also find various catalogs around the island, with different items in each one!
Another big thing this time of year is Coins For Change. You can find a stand anywhere, and simply donate however many coins you wish to whatever cause you want! These coins DO HELP people around the world; Club Penguin has donated MILLIONS of dollars to charities around the globe thanks to us! PLEASE donate for Coins for Change to make everyone around the world smile! :D
That is about all of what I have to say about this! We hope all of you will have a safe, and happy holiday break! 
Don't forget to Track Rockhopper with us!
Also, don't forget to come to our 10,000+ hits party on the 29th! If you haven't already, check out this page for more details! 
So what are you looking forward to this holiday season? Tell us in the comments below!
Happy Holidays!

Rockhopper Tracker

Status: ONLINE
Room: Tracking
Server: Tracking

Rockhopper's Background

How to Find Him:
-Rockhopper is a red penguin with a pirate hat, a black beard, and a thick black uni-brow 
He will always be walking with his red puffle Yarr
-Keep refreshing this page for accuracy
-The tracker is updated manually whenever Flash8910/Sherbert3210 are online
-He could be anywhere on the island, but check his ship first
-He will DEFINATELY have a crowd around him
-Check 4-5 bar servers during the peak hours of the day
-Check other languages too
-When you do find him, add him and tell the chat immediately
-Have fun!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Flash8910 Cheats 10,000 Hits Party!

Hi guys!
A while ago, Flash8910 Club Penguin Cheats had hit 10,000 HITS!
This is a huge milestone for any Club Penguin Cheats website, and for us to!
And we want to celebrate this with you guys!
We will be wandering Club Penguin, partying with you guys!
Also, we will be celebrating Sherbert3210's (late) Birthday Party too! So at the event, be sure to wish her a happy birthday!

DATE:  December 29, 2012
SERVER: Abominable
TIME: 3 p.m. PST (6 p.m. EST)
PLACE: Flash8910 Igloo (it will be on map)

An yes, we will be adding! (ATTENTION: we WILL add you, however, due to glitches in the buddy system, you might not be able to be added right away. If not, we will add you when the list works again!)

We hope all of our fans and friends can make it to this awesome party!
We will also be giving the site a FRESH, NEW, UPDATED look! We will also begin resuming to focus on our Igloo of the Month, Celebrity Penguins, and Funny Junk pages, which have all been on hiatus. Thanks for your patience and we hope you like the new look!

We will give you a sneak peek soon!

Thanks for everyone's support!

-Flash8910 Cheats Team

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Club Penguin Gets A Makeover

What's up guys?
As you might already know, Club Penguin's homepage has a new look:
As well as the rooms (don't worry, they're not REALLY in German for other servers!):
As you can tell, I'm not the biggest fan of these changes. I think what I loved most about the old rooms was the simplicity of it all. I think all of these changes were unnecessary. They were fine the way they were.
But that is just my opinion. Tell me in the comments how you feel about this.
See ya later with a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Herbert P. Bear Tracker

100th Post!
Click here for Op. Blackout Guide

Status: Offline
Room: n/a
Server: n/a
Herbert's playercard

Herbert's Background

How to Find Him:
-Herbert's sprite stands out, he's a big, white polar bear!
-Keep refreshing this page for accuracy
-The tracker is updated manually whenever Flash8910/Sherbert3210 are online
-He could be anywhere on the island, but check his hideout or even his play first
-He will DEFINATELY have a crowd around him
-Check 4-5 bar servers during the peak hours of the day
-Check other languages too
-Check ANY LANGUAGE Yeti First
-When you do find him, add him and tell the chat immediately
-Have fun!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friend's Igloos

Hey guys! Been tracking Herbert lately?
So today I plan on showing you guys something that has been requested to me so many times: some of my friend's igloos! I hope you guys enjoys them!
Ubfunkeys7-Laser Maze
Purflipper-Great Wall of China
I hoped you liked them! I will be posting more stuff in the future!
See ya!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Operation: BLACKOUT

Woah...It's dark...Let me get a lantern....
Report for duty agents:

When you log on, you will be greeted with a message:
Grab a disguise, and click the 'Go there' button.
You enter a large orange room; go to the left and enter the door.
I wish I could stay here for a while, but we gotta keep movin'.
You should now enter a big room with the security terminal. Click it:
It's just a game of "Unblock Me", so to do this, I've color-coded it to make it easier for you.
 Simply move the green block down, and push the key into the hole. 
When you log on, get the grappling hook, and start the mission. Again, a simple puzzle. Move the bottom block left, and the vertical block down, and your down, yo!
When you log on, take the Laser and start the mission. Use the laser to break down the door, and continue right on the ledge above the main room. You now can get a glimpse of Herbert's Lair. Ignore it for now, and keep moving. Surprise, Surprise, another unblock-me.
Move the RED piece up, move the BLUE piece right, and the GREY piece down; slide the key into the hole, and your done (If you moved the RED piece all the way up, just simply move it down to get the key in).
When you log on, accept the vest and continue.  Stand in front of the lasers until they turn green, then proceed. Look, the next terminal.
Start off by moving the BLUE piece up, and the PURPLE piece down. Move the YELLOW piece right, and the GREY piece down to get the key in the hole.
Why are they makin' us work on Thanksgiving, yo?
When y'all log on, take the goggles, and accept the mission. In the next room filled with barrels, access the terminal.
This time, move the KEY to the right first. Next, move the BLACK piece down, BLUE piece right, GREY piece up, RED then PINK pieces left, and finally, PURPLE piece down. Slide the key in the hole.
Grab those lava shoes, get started, and head through the door, we've got one last job. When y'all go through the big door, y'all are gonna be in Herbert's Base, where the last terminal is. Get ready for one last puzzle.
This one is long, so let me give y'all a list of instructions:
-GREEN left
-BLACK down
-GREY right
-BLUE then YELLOW up
-WHITE left
-PURPLE down
-Key in the hole
The base will now self destruct, and a video will play.

So Aunt Arctic IS the Director, huh? Eh, I knew it. After the video, you can earn a free igloo item.
And that's all the cheats for Operation: Blackout. I hope y'all found this useful.
I'm out.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Pizza/Gift Shop????(rant)

Yo, what's happening guys?
So, a couple things are goin' on down in Club Penguin, but what I want to focus on is the news given by Polo Field:

Hey there, Penguins!
There’s a lot going on in Club Penguin over the next couple months. And I’m really excited to show you guys some of the room updates we're going to launch in the next few days. We're also going to release some new music with the renovated rooms to give them a fresh sound, too!

Check out this sneak peek of the renovated Pizza Shop and Clothes Shop: 

What do you think? Leave a comment and let us know. We have some other renovations planned, and I'll share more with you about them here on the blog soon. 
Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
What?? Renovate the Pizza Shop and the Gift Shop?? NO! The simplicity of the shops is what made them great. Club Penguin needs to stop renovating our favorite rooms. What, are they out of all ideas that they need to change rooms for no good reason?
If y'all agree with what I have to say, e-mail Club Penguin and let them know how you think. Don't bother trying to comment on the Club Penguin blog saying that you don't like it. They only publish positive comments to make it seem like everyone agrees with them!
If, however, y'all DO like these shops then that's fine. We all have our opinions.
But still, let us and Club Penguin know what you really think. Like we said in the last rant, You have a voice, make sure Club Penguin hears it, because, in my personal experience, they do a POOR job of LISTENING. Fight for your voice.
That's all I really gotta say now, but first, take a look at a sneak peak:
Looks cool.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October Updates

Hey guys! Again, Happy Halloween!
There are two big things going on in Club Penguin right now. For a few days, you can go to the Coffee Shop, and celebrate Club Penguin's 7th Birthday!
I'm sad to say that this is really not impressive at all....but you can get a new party hat! But, is it just me, or does this hat look like it was stepped on?
I am also sad to say that Billybob AND Happy77 have quit Club Penguin for good. :(
It's sad for sure, but we can certainly move on. I just hope Polo Field and Business Moose will do a good job keeping Club Penguin on the right track!
That's all the news I've got for today! Please don't forget to submit your costumes to us for your chance to win! Time is running out!
Tell us in the comments what you plan to be for Halloween in real life! I'm being a guitarist from a band I like, and Sherbert3210 is being a cat.
 P.S. Is it me, or does Business Moose seem like a rip-off of Gangsta Sheep?? o_O
Gangsta Sheep came first, by the way.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gary Tracker

Status: offline
Room: tracking
Server: tracking
Gary's playercard
Gary's New Background

How to Find Him:
-Gary is an old blue penguin with thick glasses, a white lab coat, and a blue tie 
-Keep refreshing this page for accuracy
-The tracker is updated manually whenever Flash8910/Sherbert3210 are online
-He could be anywhere on the island, but check the haunted mansion, and his grandfather's lab first!
-He will most likely be looking in the mansion for his grandfather
-He might not always be crowded, for he is claustrophobic
-Check 4-5 bar servers during the peak hours of the day
-Check other languages too
-When you do find him, add him and tell the chat immediately
-Have fun!

Halloween Party 2012 Cheats

Happy Halloween!
Finally, my favorite party of the year has come! Let's start right away!
First go to the Forest, and follow the path north...
Inside the mansion, you should see a big chest, click it.
The first key is right in front of you, by the chest!
For the next key, take a right, and go into the grave with a purple glow. Now keep going until you find a library. You should spot the key on a book.
Back in the graveyard, follow the northern path instead now. Open the grave with the glowing eyes
Now go into the yellow door. Once inside, keep going straight. In the dining hall, open the silver food lid.
Now go back through the green door. This time, go north into the blue hallway. You should now see a picture of a puffle with wings. Click it!
Now, you can open the treasure chest! 
Ok, let's take these for a spin...
Let's follow the arrows now! They lead to a secret door!
Its a secret lab! Look a catalog! There are even cool free items for non-members!
But my member friends, lets go in the big tube in the center.
Cool! I'm a ghost now! If you want to do this action, just dance! (no Lady-gaga pun intended!)
Now we are given a "To-Boo" list (ha ha, very funny...). As a ghost, dance in the following places:
-the beach
-the mansion
-Snow forts
to get free items. Don't forget to do it again on Oct. 20 &24!
This is a very easy process! And if you want another prize, just do it again!
Plus, the player card is nifty too!
That's all the cheats I have for you guys! I can tell the Club Penguin Team put a LOT of effort in this; I'm very impressed! Don't forget to enter our costume contest before Nov.1, so you have a chance of wining! Also, don't forget to track Gary with us as well!
It's time for me to go...I have penguins to haunt!
Haunt on!